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Ariel Moscovici




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法籍雕塑家Ariel Moscovici出生於羅馬尼亞,5、6歲便開始玩雕刻,12歲時的石雕課開啟了他與雕塑的不解之緣。在材質的選擇上,Moscovici認為石頭、木頭、土塑及金屬都有其特質及高度可塑性,對藝術家而言,無論是何種媒材,最重要的是創作的過程,以及將媒材特質表現出來後的成果。他享受用雙手經過重重步驟,將冰冷的石頭或金屬轉變成一件藝術品的過程。


Moscovici的作品多以幾何造型呈現,但在簡單的結構中自有其奧秘。猶如《聖經‧創世紀》所述說的:「最初,上帝創造了天地」,Moscovici以”起源”、”初始”為主軸,探討宇宙萬物及人類與大自然共生共存的相互關係。他認為人類最初始便是來自於自然界的給予,如同作品”In head”便以蛋體為造型,像是種子,也像是地球,代表最初的形體,孕育著一切生命的可能性。


Moscovici創作的主題皆以自然、土地與環境等概念為闡述重點。“Between Earth and Sky”試圖探索人類與天地的互存關係,將身體與腳著力於地表而頭頂著天空,猶如時間軸的曲線:腳踏著的是過去的記憶,眼觀當前,而頭頂著的則是未來與希望。“Arenas”則以居所式的建築為藍圖,建構城市中心的意象,象徵萬物井然有序地以宇宙為中心環繞著。高牆隔離了外面未知的世界,如同堅固的堡壘般庇護著居民,但螺旋狀的外牆在交接的兩端卻並非完全封閉,像是開放了可窺探及冒險的自由選擇機會。





1956年生於羅馬尼亞  România



Ecole National Supérieure des Beaux Arts , Paris



2016 - drawings and presentation of six bronzes for Ample group, Regent Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan.

2015 - Two artistes, Xiao gallery Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

2014 - Maison du roy, Sigean, France

2013 - Two artists, Red Gold Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.

2012 - Two artistes,  Xiau Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

2010 - Michele Guerin Gallery, Limetz, France

2009 - Sala XIII Gallery, Torrelodones, Madrid, Spain

2007 - Two artistes Gallery Naofu, Gifu, Japan -Two artistes, Miyabi Gallery, Nagoya, Japan         

2006 - Maison du Chevalier Gallery, Carcassonne, France   

2005 - Maria Villalba Gallery,  Barcelona, Spain .- Michele Guerin Gallery, Limetz, France

2004 - Castan Gallery,  Perpignan, France. - Art Paris, Paris Art Fair , Gallery Maria Villalba        

2003 - Two artistes , Art is long Gallery, Kyoto, Japan, Today's Gallery, Ozu, Japan, and Miyabi Gallery, Nagoya, Japan

2002 - Maria Villalba Gallery, Barcelona, Spain

2001 - Chemins Paralleles, two artistes, Gallery Mssohkan, Kobe, Gallery Miyabi, Nagoya, Gallery  Chisai oyorokobi, Oono,

- Japan.     -Two artistes, Le Puget Castle, Alzone , France

2000  -Maison Du Roi, Sigean. France - Maria Villalba Gallery, Barcelona, Spain

1999 - Pilar Riberaygua Gallery, Andorra.  NICAF. Nagoya art fair. Naitoh Gallery.  Pierre Marie Vitoux Gallery. Paris.    

-Michele Guerin  Gallery, Limetz, France

1997 - Two Artists,  141 Gallery, Nagoya, Japan

1996 - SAGA  Art Fair, Paris, Michel Guerin Gallery.   Print & Drawing, Co-op inn ,Kyoto, Japan

1995 - SAGA  Art Fair, Paris, Michel Guerin Gallery-Pierre Marie Vitoux Gallery, Paris, France

1994 - TRISKEL Gallery, LINEART Int Art Fair, Gent, Belgium. - Michele Guerin Gallery, Bonnieres art center, France         

1993 - Era Bauro gallery, Andorra. - Michele Guerin Gallery, Limetz, France

1992 - Naito gallery, Nagoya, Japan. -Pierre-Marie Vitoux gallery, Paris France   -MAC 2000, Grand Palais, Paris. France.

-SAGA Art Fair, Paris,France, Pierre-Marie Vitoux gallery. - Espace Cardin, Paris, Triskel gallery. France.       

1991 - SAGA Art Fair, Paris,France, and-LINEART,  Art Fair, Gen,t Belgium, Triskel gallery. France

1990- Pierre-Marie Vitoux gallery, Paris.France  - Espace Gauthier, Narbonne, France.

1989 - Galerie d'Art Contemporain, Chamalières

1987 - Espace Gambetta Gallery, Carcassonne, France. -MAC 2000 Art Fair, Grand Palais, Paris. France.         

1985 - Basel International Art Fair, Swiss , Lahumière gallery. France



2017 - Group show Castang art projects, Perpignan, France.

A ciel ouvert, Oction sale , Rennes encheres, Chateau des peres, Pire-Sur-Seiche, France

2016 - Villa datris Fondation, "collection", Isle sur la Sorgue, France, Michelle Guerin Gallery garden sculptures, Limetz, France

Group show, Maison Du Chevallier Gallery, Carcassonne, France.  Vingt ans, Maison Du Roy, Sigean, France.

2015 - Entre Passé et Future, Campo Santo, Perpignan Cathedtral, France. curated by Castang art prijects, Perpignan.

- Shoebox Sculptures, Red Gold Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan

2014 - Eloge du petit format, Art d'aujourdhui Gallery, Paris, France. - DATRIS Foundation", Collection works, Paris, France          

-Artistes Du Sud, Villa Datris Foundation,  Isle sur la Sorgue, France -. Group Show, Castan Gallery, Perpignan, France         

-Hualien cultural center, group show, Hualien, Taiwan

2013 - Lille art fair, Lille, France, presented by Castang Gallery - 20 years Michellle Guerin Gallery, Limetz, France         .        

-Three artistes show, Segundo and Santiago Montes Foundation, Valladolid, Spain.

2012 - Group show with Miltos Pantelias and Sylvie Rivillon, La Maison du Chevalier Gallery, Carcassonne, France.

- Villa Daris Art Foundation, Isle sur la Sorgue, France. permanent collection show

- Tong-Hua University, Hualien, Taiwan. -  La Maleta Gallery group show, Valladolid, Spain.

-Totems, Collioure Castle and Espace de la Catalanite, Perpignan, organized by Roger Castan          

2011 - Two artists, Bourbonne Les Bains Museum, France -Garden sculptures, Michellle Guerin Gallery, Limetz, France.      

-Sculpture Plurielles, Datris foundation, L' isle sur la Sorgue, France.  -Athena, space 3, Sartlat, France.

-ISF 2011 Seoul museum of art, Hangram art center, Seoul, Korea.

-Maison du chevalier Gallery, Carcassonne, France.    -International Sculpture Fiesta, Seoul Museum of art, Korea

-Art Elysée art fair, Paris, France, presented by Michele Guerin Gallery,

-“12 contemporary artists of Midy-Pyrénées”, Ingres Museum, Motauban, France

Aixtrait D'art. art fair, Aix en provence, France. presented by Datris Foundation.

2010 -  Roger Castang Gallery. Perpignan, France - Ozmoz , Trigonu gallery, Athens, Greece

-Ozmoz , La Maison du Chevalier gallery, Carcassonne, France

-Talbot Gallery, paris, France - Totems Dans un Jardin, Datris foundation, France

2009 - Chemin Sculpturale, Mayronnes, France  -  Garden sculptures, Michelle Guerin Gallery, Limetz, France.

-CIGE Art fair, Beijing, China, Gallery HM  -Hualien cultural center, stone sculptures.

-6 artists, Pakyoung gallery, Paju,  South Korea. - Group show, La maison du Chevalier, Carcassonne, France

2008 - KIAF,  Seoul Art Fair, Korea,  Adriana Schmidt Gallery

2007 - Art Madrid, Art Fair, and Karlsruhe Art Fair, Maria Villalba Gallery. - KIAF, Seoul Art Fair, Korea, Adriana Schmidt        


        -Garden sculptures, Michelle Guerin Gallery, Limetz, France   - SOFA Art Fair, Chicago, Rosenthal Fine Arts Gallery

2006 -  Karlsruhe art fair, Michel Guerin Gallery.    -Campo Santo garden show, Perpignan, Roger Castan Gallery

-Group show, Maria Villalba Gallery, Barcelona.  -  Group Show, Kraft Liberman Gallery, Chicago

2005 - Perpignan Cathedral ,  2 person show,  Roger Castan Gallery. -  Group show, Maria Villalba Gallery , Barcelona

-Le Puget castel  group show, Triskel Gallery, Alzonne, France

2004 - ST’ART, Strasbourg art fair and Miami Art Fair Gallery Maria Villalba. Barcelona.

-Five Sculptors, Gallery Kraft Liberman, Chicago, U.S.A  - 4 Art  Palais des congres, Castang Gallery Perpignan, France

-Garden sculpture, Verhage Gallery , Plooksteert,  Belgium - Toy sculptures,  Liberman Kraft  Gallery, Chicago, U.S,A      

2003 - ST'ART, Strasbourg art fair, Gallery Maria Villalba, Barcelona Spain.  -            Space 21 Museum, Matsuyama, Japan

2002 - Art Fair ARTEXPO, Barcelona, Spain.Gallery Maria Villalba. -    Mode d'Expression Gallery, Perpignan, France

2001 - France Israel,  Espace des Blanc Manteaux, Paris, France

- White and the Black. Michele Guerin Gallery ,Limetz,  France. Artists of the gallery, Vitoux Gallery , Paris

- Artexpo  Fair , Barcelona and  Dearte art fair, Madrid, Gallery Maria Villalba, Spain

2000 -  20 sculptors  ,Les Punxes Gallery, Barcelona, Spain.    Artexpo Fair, Barcelona, Maria Villalba Gallery, Spain.

1999-  Stone Sculpture Show  , Hualien Cultural Center Gallery, Taiwan.  Group show,  Vitoux Gallery, Paris, France.

1998 -  Bras d'honneur, Gerard  Laubie  Gallery, Massillargue, France.   -Marbeilla Art Fair, Spain. Pilar Riberaygua Gallery

-Estampa Art Fair, Madrid, Spain. Michele Guerin Gallery

1997 - Three artists  Mic'Art Gallery  Lille France. - Trajectes I Convergencies  Vitoria Gasteis, Spain.

-Saga Art Fair, Gallery Michelle Guerin, Paris France. -  Hualien Stone Show, Hualien Taiwan

-Three Artists  Les Punxes Gallery Barcelona, Spain- Artists of the Gallery, Vitoux Gallery, Paris, France

1996 - Traversée des dimentions , Abbaye de Lagrasse, France. -    Group show  Simoncini Gallery,  Luxembourg

1995 - Trajectes I Convergencies,  Tecla Sala, L'Hospitalet,Spain.  Sala Gaspar Gallery,   Barcelona ,Spain.  

-4 Artistes show, Era-Bauro Gallery, Andorra.   Simoncini Gallery, Luxembourg

-Group Show, Duchamp Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan and  Color Field Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan

1994 - Gioia Lazzarini, Pietrasanta, Italy. -  Trajectes I Convergencies   Morerra museum,  Lleida, Spain

1993 - Vientos del Este,  MAEGHT gallery, Barcelona. Spain.        15 Sculptors, Simoncini gallery, Luxembourg.        .   

1992 - Pestalozzi gallery , Berlin, Germany.   -   Multiple Art Fair, Dusseldorf, Adriana Schmidt gallery, Germany   .

-Graphic Art Fair, Barcelona, Adriana Schmidt gallery.         

199O -Points de vue, sculptures, Pierre-Marie Vitoux gallery, Paris

1988 - Toromania, CIECLE, Gerard Laubie fundation, Massillargues

1987 - Jardin de sculptures, Chateauvert.

1985-  Visages contemporains de la sculpture en Europe, Maubeuge museum, France -   Cultural Center, Boulogne-Billancourt.    .         

Participations: Salons  de Mai, Grands et Jeunes d’aujourd’hui, Réalités Nouvelles, Figuration  Critique, Paris; 33th Salon de la Jeune Sculpture, Paris; 3Oth Salon de Montrouge.

Awarded First Prize of the 1990 Biennale Internationale de Sculpture Contemporaine, Collioure.

Purchase award for the TAIPEI’ Fine Arts museum, Taiwan 1993

2007 Edition of six etchings printed by Remy Bucialli Gallery, Colmar, France


2015- Between above and below, Jiaxing city China. Agent, Art Villa Company, Jiaxing, China.

- Bereshit, Villa Duflot Hotel Perpignan, France. Agent Castang Gallery, Perpignan, France.

2014-  Between past and future, and Tower of words A  and B,  Three sculptures for the three gates of  Taichung city hall ,  

           Taichung Taiwan. Agent, Huang-Ho   company, Hualien, Taiwan

- River and Nurture, Two sculptures for Rennai company Daan Road Building, Taipei Taiwan, Agent Ample     

          Gallery,Taipei, Taiwan

- A drop of Rain,  Ample Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan. Commissioned by Ample Gallery.

2012 - Half sphere  School of art, Carcassonne, France. Agent Maison du Chevallier Gallery, Carcassonne, France.

- A moment of eternity,  Tong Hua University, Hualien Taiwan. Commissioned by Tong-Hua University.

2011 - The Pine Tree,  Luzhou elementary school, Taipei, Taiwan. Agent, Richart  company, Taipei, Taiwan.

2010 - Between earth and sky,  BENQ Foundation park, Beipu, Taiwan. Commissioned by BENQ Foundation

2009 - Between earth and sky,   Yeoncheon, South Korea. Commissioned by Yeoncheon cultural association.

-Between two points,    Lu Yu Tan sculpture gareden, Hualien Taiwan. Commissioned by Hualien cultural center.


2007 - Between earth and sky,  Tudela de Duero, Spain.  Commissioned by the city of Tudela De Duero.

-Between Two Points,   Parcart sculpture garden, Girona, Spain. Agent, Maria Villalba Gallery, Barcelona, Spain.

2006 - Between two points, and Home, two sculptures for Mosan sculpture park, Daecheon, South Korea.

2005 - Two Islands, Le Castelet Cinema Center, Perpignana France. Agent, Castang Gallery, Perpignan, France.

2004 - Island,   Fountain sculpture for the city of Chalabre, France.  Bought by the city.

2002 - Between Sky and Earth , 101 Building. Taiwan Financial Center, Taipei, Taiwan. Agent, Duchamp Gallery, Kaohsiung,  


-Between Two Mountains,  commemorative monument for the village of Montbel, France. Bought by the city council.

1999 - Oscillation,  . Hualien Train Station, Hualien .Taiwan. Agent, Hualien Cultural Center, Hualien, Taiwan

1998 - In head,   Andorra Sculpture Park, Escaldes, Andorra, Agent, Pilar Riberaygua Gallery, Andorra

1994 - Home,  Taichung Fine Arts museum , Taiwan. Agent, Modern art museum, Taipei, Taiwan.

1993 - Between two points, Carcassonne, France. Agent, Maison du Chevallier Gallery, Carcassonne.


1991 - Axle,  Lavelanet museum, Lavelanet, France. Bought by the Museum.

1990 - Home,   UCCOAR, Samary Park, Montreal d'Aude, France, Bought by the wine company.

1988 - Between three points, Monumental Sculptures Park, Gueugnon, France. Commissioned by the city.

1987 -The wall  Sculpture (1%) Scholar group n 1, D,CE Les Aunettes, Evry III. France. Agent culture ministry.

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